Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Drinking again...

Yes sir I am indeed drinking again! Oh how I've missed my evening glass of someting-someting!! Ha ha ha ha ha!! I'm so happy to be drinking again! I finished my antibiotics and today I finished 2 glasses of champagne :)

I have been MAD busy with the day job (BOO!!) and haven't had time to even sit down at the piano and finish my song (DOUBLE BOO!!). So I'm dedicating my weekend to music. My weekend in Jozi was crazee. Woke up early on Saturday and had to be at the meeting at 07:30. They said breakfast would be served. CLEARLY we have different ideas of what breakfast really is because I don't think tea and scones is breakfast!! I needed some fibre and something to keep me going for the rest of the morning. ANYWAY!! I only left that place at about 20:30. Then spent Sunday morning in meetings again and flew back to Cape Town at about 14:00.

I am SO looking forward to having my weekend all to myself. Day job is really taking up too much time.

P.S I'm watching Oprah repeats... I'm so glad that Lady O is back on our screens. I LOVE Oprah!! Especially after 2 glasses of champagne :) hee hee!