I have not been posting because I am bored with my blog, I haven't been posting because I have been SOOOO busy. Busy making money, so that I can fulfill my destiny (you must be so tired of hearing that).
So many things have happened. I have to give the long and short of it though:
1. Meeting with the new producer tomorrow to work on the concept song - yay!! It's coming along very nicely!!
2. I bought a new instrument. I bought a guitar. I thought of buying a piano but I live in a bachelor with another human being and I probably couldn't afford it.
3. Just had a piano lesson and am getting better and better as a song-writer. I even committed to writing a song every 2 weeks. Piano teacher and I made a pact. I will probably live to regret it and be thankful for it as well. Note: I said write (NOT finish) a new song every 2 weeks. It can be done. I should have a skeleton for the new song by next week Tuesday.
4. I'm happy... I know that sounds vague but I'm pleased with where I am because I can see the light at the end of the tunnell.
This is a quick update... I have to get back to making THE DREAM come true.