Before I begin: HAPPY HERITAGE DAY to all in SA!!!
So on Friday I had a meeting in Durban and had to be up at ungodly hours, just to be there for it. My flight took off at 6 am and I was up 03:30. The meeting was okay, I learnt a lot about how one should and shouldn't deal with people and how people can sometimes get caught up in 'politics'... But that is not important right t now.
My flight back to Cape Town was supposed to leave at 18:25. My meeting ended a little after 12 and then we took the client to lunch, so I was already upset that I would be hanging around at the airport for 4 hours and get home after 8, but I didn't complain. As soon as I check in I get told that my flight has been delayed and we will only be leaving AFTER 7pm. GREAT!! I hang around at the airport, get some stuff done and the time will go by quickly.
Just as I leave 'house of coffees' I find out that my flight is delayed again. To cut a long story short. A whole lot of flights were delayed and there was no where to sit and long after 20:30 we were boarding. I don't usually fly BA and I have no intention of using that airline any time soon. I finally got home after 11pm and I was BUGGERED. Swak!
That's my rant for the week :)