A lot of people have been asking me when I'm going to do gigs and my answer is always a very polite 'soon'. since I haven't spoken about my journey in a while, I figure now is the time to talk about doing GIGS!!
Before I officially became part of the music industry I had been aware of some of the challenges. Like how there is always the same kids performing at all the same venues and how once you're one of the cool kids you're always on the team and that getting picked is hard (hence a small group of cool kids)... I understand that, really I do.
What I don't get is, how this is going to help grow our music industry? If people can't make a living from what they love or if they can't even get a gig then they will either go elsewhere (as in another country) or join the boring world of 9-5's. I understand that the venue owners are running a business and it's always safer to have the same ol' same ol' performing than to take a chance on an unknown. I get that, really I do.
After much rejection, I have decided that I have a better chance of getting a gig in HELL than getting one in Cape Town, so with that dear hearts: please don't ask me about gigs until I mention them okay.
I must admit I'm feeling like a hot mess right now because I KNOW that I have a good product and having people say 'oh we actually have other bands in mind'/ 'we only take people we know'/'your stuff is a little too Jazzy/blah blah, is not improving my mood at all. What really grinds my nipple is people who string you along, invite you to have coffee with them/ask you for entirely too much information only turn around and say (enter any of the above excuses in Blue). Why are you wasting my time? I'm already not making money from not playing gigs, never mind petrol and airtime. COME ON!!! Just give it to me straight: Sorry I hate your music/ sorry I want all my friends to play here/ sorry I hate your face/ sorry I am more interested in making money than growing the industry...
I'm in no way giving up, I'm just going to try a different route... This one might actually work. I was reading
Jack Canfield's book (How to get from where you ARE to where you want to BE: 25 principles of success) and he says that you should REJECT REJECTION, which is exactly what I'm doing. Jack says whenever you ask for something always keep this in mind: SWSWSWSW!
And I'm starting to think that someone may not be in Cape Town LOL!!!
end rant...