Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I love sharing good news, even if it has absolutely nothing to do with me.

BLK JKS have just signed a deal with a US label called 'Secretlly Canadian'... HALALA!! I first heard of these guys some time last year (when I still did the Sat 6-9 am slot). We had a slot where we 'new' songs (songs that weren't on the system, songs ppl hardly ever heard on radio), the slot was actually called 'they never play that song'. My producer picked a song called skroof kai 1 (pls excuse my sp- in a hurry) and I liked how different it was. These guys are to my friend Phiwi what Tidal Waves is to me: AWESOME!!

Hopefully this will help SA artists that your geographical position does not determine how talented you are (spoke about this in the interview with Overtone).

Got the good news via SA Good news!! YAY!!

Yes, that is them on the cover of Fader!