Saturday, March 28, 2009

Brothers kids here for 2 weeks...

wooooosah!! I'm rubbing my earlobes and trying to calm down. My beloved niece and nephew are here to visit for 2 weeks and I fetched them from the airport less than 2 hours ago.


We now have a TV... Connected and EVERYTHING (haven't had one switched on in this house since august '08)

In all fairness a good friend found out about Marcee and I being TV-less (poor us- sarcasm) and she offered to let us use her TV. We kept it on the floor in Marcee's room because we dont see the need for a TV. The NEPHEW decided we needed to have it on because he is BORED (he says that every 2 minutes)

My nephew has taken his pants off... Because it hot!!

My niece has decided her iPod is much more interesting than us. I feel a hundred years old!!

I'm thinking of turning to the bottle. Poor aunty!!!

AND... AND... There has already been one death threat. Nephew wanted to kill niece ha ha ha!