Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I'm an addict

Had an OFFICIAL band practice today and it was amazing.

I do apologise for the lack of postage :) I have been VERY VERY VERY busy. All I have had time to do is update my status on Facebook, which takes less time than posting something.

I have also been a tired grumpy mess all week, but that changed after my practice. I felt like I had unloaded all that stuff that was getting me down. I truly am a music addict!

It made me think how pleasant the world would be if we could all release a little bit of tension in a creative way! I know some people think that they are not creative, but I believe we are all creative. There is a masterpiece in all of us!

I'm out!

You know what to do: go HERE, listen and add. I'm on Facebook (search for BLACK PORCELAIN) as well, so please feel free to join THERE as well.