Monday, May 5, 2008

Too many assholes with opinions in the world

I was having a very productive and fun day today (I still am), but for about 15 minutes I was totally pissed of with ASSHOLE-ISHNESS of someone.

Why is it that when someone finally decides to do what makes them happy there is some asshole, and I can usually handle assholes, with an OPINION (far worse than a regular asshole) on how someone else should live their lives.

I am completely unsympathetic towards these sad types who never really grew into the 'super heroes' with Bentley's and mansions that they thought they would be. So these people make it their business to piss on intelligent females (in this case) who have come up AGAINST ALL ODDS and have come to know their worth. Why? Because they think this ASSHOLE-ISH behaviour makes them a better person. Whatever happened to live and let live huh? Why is that when someone displays a little bit of courage and does what makes them happy, there is someone waiting in the wings to say 'YOU WILL NEVER DO IT, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?'. That is just so messed up!

I am so sick of OPINIONATED ASSHOLES today... Maybe I'll be a little tolerant tomorrow :)

Now I know why Kanye went off at EW in this post (I love it when he says '...and if you see me... BOW!!' Classic). Some people just can't let things be, they always have to be negative and look for someone to piss off. I'm feeling that way right now. And what would a Kanye moment be without a humourous ending like: I'M STILL THE GREATEST!!! LOL!!!

Maybe tomorrow I will come back a lot calmer and post one of these as well. Rant over!