Thursday, December 20, 2007

What I'm looking forward to in 2008

There are 11 days to go and then 2008 is here...

Scary, but oh so exciting. Scary because I feel like it was just yesterday when I started a new job and had to deal with some crazy S&%t. Exciting because 2008 is going to be MY YEAR. 2007 was definitely the year that I learnt more about myself. I'm talking about some serious 'navel gazing' here. I have learnt so much about myself... Jeepers!

1. Releasing my EP
I know, I know... This year was Crazy!!! There are 3 tracks already and these are 'BIG GIRL' tracks, not the baby stuff I was doing. I will even be flexing the vocal muscles a bit, none of this sweet lazy singing ha ha ha. I don't want to say when it will be released and then have people call me a liar, but I'm hoping that all will be done by the end of March (2008).

2. Publishing my book
Okay this might come as a shock, but I've been working on a book for the last 2 yrs and it's almost done. I am in the process of finding an editor who will help me work out the kinks and then I'm publishing that bad boy.

3. Moving into a bigger place
Marcee and I have been living in this cute bachelor for about 2 yrs now. I strongly believe in NOT living beyond your means, this cute matchbox bachelor of our is all we could afford for the last 2 years, but we have since grown (as in gained weight and are earning a little bit more dosh) and we are ready to MOVE OUT. Let the search for a new place begin.

My girl Estelle's album is dropping in Feb. I don't need to explain why I've got mad luv and respek for her do I? Go here if you really have no clue. Watch out for this lady, she's gonna blow up.

5. Performing LIVE
Once that EP is released I am taking this show on the road for real! I CANNOT wait to do my thing on stage. Before that I need to find a band though. Let's hope that goes smoothly LOL! As if...

6. Starting my NPO
I can't really say much right now because... Well, there's too much to say and I'm a sickling and I don't feel like getting into it. All I can say is that it has something to do with kids, books and redefining their perceptions.

7. Getting the 2nd and FINAL tattoo
I was supposed to do it this year, but I didn't feel ready. I know it sounds weird but I didn't. Below is the on I got last year (2006). Aaaah fun times, fun times...

8. Seeing how the ANC drama plays out
Jacob Zuma is the president of the ANC and Thabo Mbeki has to answer to a man who he fired as his deputy. This should be very interesting. VERY VERY INTERESTING! A lot of people are nervous about this. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet, to be quite honest.

9. Losing a little bit of weight
Damn, I need to lose a few centimetres around my stomach ha ha ha ha. Seriously! Living the good life requires one to watch what they eat clearly. Too much good food, too little time.

10. My little boet starting Varsity
I was there for my little brothers first day of school and now he is going to be starting University. WOW!! He is such a sweet guy and he is smart as well. I can't wait to watch him grow into the wonderful man I know he is capable of being.

An opportunity for us all to start over again. And when I say start over again, I don't mean making New Years resolutions. I mean learning the lessons of the past year and not making the same mistakes over. I have learnt that for as long as you keep ignoring the lessons, you will keep attracting the same things into your life.

I'm coughing up a lung here, so I'm learning the lesson and getting back into bed. I'm learning to listen to my body. Sulk, sulk, whine, cough, moan, cough, cough, cough...