That was my reaction when Jill (who I work with) played a John Mayer song for me. Well things have changed dramatically since then. 'Waiting on the world to change' did not have a very big effect on me... I can't actually say which song it was that made me pick his CD up when I was going to buy 'Back to Black', but I'm not sorry that I did. I left with 'Continuum' and NO Amy Winehouse.
Continuum... WOW!! WOW!! I haven't enjoyed an album this much since 'Once Again'... Granted, I don't buy a new CD every month, I only buy what I think might be good stuff. This album is seriously relaxed without putting you to sleep. There is a touch of soul about this guys songs that make me feel right at home (esp in the last track 'I'm gonna find another you'). I am tempted to say that Mr John Mayer may be a hit with people across the colour lines, but I wont. Instead I'll say that it will be hard for anyone NOT to find at least ONE song that moves them. I have already found 2 songs that my mother will LOVE!! That's what is so wonderful about 'Continuum' it respects 'the old' without being old... Does that make any sense at all? Well, I LOVES IT!!!
My personal favourites are 'Gravity', 'Vultures', 'I'm gonna find another you' and 'In repair'.
What do you think of John Mayer's music???