Sunday, June 1, 2008

The joys of releasing this EP

Let me just start of by saying that I accept both the good and the bad that come with being an 'independent artist'. I consider myself very lucky to be able to make my own music and finance the release of my first EP.

That being said, this EP is turning into a monster. An absolute beast! It is like a broke boyfriend (with no shame), it just keeps sucking me dry LOL! I have been working out the finances for this EP and it looks like I wont be able to move out of my tiny bachelor just yet. Just when I thought that I will be sleeping in my own room, without being woken up by Marcee's INCREDIBLE snoring. It is not to be just yet!! I guess this is one of those things that I am willing to do to get to where I need to. It will be a good story to tell on Oprah's couch one day LMAO!!!

Anyway I'm gonna have the songs up on the MySpace page by the end of the month- the page is taking so long because my trifling little brother is taking his sweet time. The songs will also be available for download by the end of the month. So please add my songs to your budget- HELP A SISTA OUT!

My friend Taz said that it takes a long time to build a brand, I really needed to hear that. She is so sensible and offers really great advice (all the time). So when I start feeling like this EP is sucking me dry, I think about how good it feels to be making MY music on MY terms. Even if this EP is treating me like a broke ass man who is really good in bed. Hopefully it will turn into a responsible man who will pay the bills and still be good in bed. Only time will tell :)