Monday, May 14, 2007

Steve Hofmeyr!!!

I know a lot of people will disagree with what I'm about to say and that's okay. But just give me a minute to explain myself. Today I was watching 7de Laan today and saw ol' Steve. He wasn't doing anything special but I suddenly thought to myself: hey this guy isn't so bad looking in fact he was looking... Uhm sexy! I can see why some women would be falling over themselves. Don't get me wrong he isn't my type, but he did have that 'older man' kinda sexy going on. Hmmm I wonder if Steve is 'bringing sexy back' to die Laan. Okay enough about that.

It's raining, I'm still on antibiotics and I would really like to have a glass of wine. Life is so unfair. It's CSI night-yay!!