Monday, May 7, 2007

Taking back my Va-jay-jay

Yes this is a post about my vagina, so if you are not interested please stop reading NOW... You have been warned!

Okay so today I had to do something that involved having to take a mirror and looking at my Va-jay-jay. Don't be perverted, it was purely medical. It was then when I realised that I had no idea what it looked like. I know what my arms look like, I have a fair idea of what my face looks like but my Va-jay-jay... No!!!

This had me very worried. Am I the only woman who has no idea what her 'Cooter' (Tertia's word) looks like? I mean it's different with women, our 'sensitive bits' don't hang about like a penis. We all grow up knowing what a penis looks like, but never really knowing what a vagina looks like. Is it any wonder that men have no idea what to do with it? And how can we expect them to know what to do with it, when we are scared/ashamed of looking at our own Va-jay-jays?

So today I am taking back my Va-jay-jay. Taking it back from all those people who tell little girls that only 'forward' girls are curious about their vagina's. From all the men who use it as something bad (calling us bitches, sluts and hoes), from the Gynae (oh I know they mean well) but we all think that the Gynae has a right to look at it and you don't... I'm taking it back and I WILL be in charge of it fro now on.

Taking it back is not as easy as it sounds you know. At first glance it looks.... uhmm... SCARY!! Whoa Ms Porcelain!! Not bad scary, just intimidating-kind-of scary. There are so many parts of it and each part has it's own function and personality. That is a lot of work! So, once I'm in touch with all those different parts and I'm happy with what I know about myself. I can introduce a worthy man to my Va-jay-jay.

I'm going to once again ask you all (ladies) to join me. Go ahead... Touch yourself!! And the rest of you (gentlemen) encourage your lady to touch herself and for goodness sakes tell her how much you appreciate that beautiful Va-jay-jay.

Nuff said...